TSP Solver and Generator
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 bb10proxystyle.hDefines BB10ProxyStyle class
 defaults.hContains TSPSG defaults
 globals.hContains TSPSG global defines
 mainwindow.hDefines MainWindow class
 os.hContains TSPSG target CPU architecture and OS detection
 pch.hPrecompiled Header (PCH) file
 resource.hContains windows resource IDs
 settingsdialog.hDefines SettingsDialog class
 shobjidl.hThis file is a minimal required part of shobjidl.h from Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0A
 tspmodel.hDefines CTSPModel class
 tspsolver.hDefines TSPSolver namespace and everything needed for solving TSP tasks
 version.hContains TSPSG version information defines